Just like that my post-secondary education has come crashing to an end.
I'll be adding to my thoughts on being completed, and apparently ready to face the big, bad world of videography journalism, because right now, I'm still in a state of shock over it.
All of it. I wasn't prepared for such a drastic difference between print and broadcast journalism. True, the net allows both to coincide, except both print and broadcast corporations don't recognize it yet.
I still love print journalism, and I very much enjoy editing, and piecing together stories with video, but I don't feel videography journalism is my future. If it is, it's so far in the future, I can't see it yet.
I will miss the editing equipment, on which to make such stories, for sure.
More later
Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
A work in progress

Truly the land of enchantment
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
It's over!
Just like that my post-secondary education has come crashing to an end.
I'll be adding to my thoughts on being completed, and apparently ready to face the big, bad world of videography journalism, because right now, I'm still in a state of shock over it.
All of it. I wasn't prepared for such a drastic difference between print and broadcast journalism. True, the net allows both to coincide, except both print and broadcast corporations don't recognize it yet.
I still love print journalism, and I very much enjoy editing, and piecing together stories with video, but I don't feel videography journalism is my future. If it is, it's so far in the future, I can't see it yet.
I will miss the editing equipment, on which to make such stories, for sure.
More later
I'll be adding to my thoughts on being completed, and apparently ready to face the big, bad world of videography journalism, because right now, I'm still in a state of shock over it.
All of it. I wasn't prepared for such a drastic difference between print and broadcast journalism. True, the net allows both to coincide, except both print and broadcast corporations don't recognize it yet.
I still love print journalism, and I very much enjoy editing, and piecing together stories with video, but I don't feel videography journalism is my future. If it is, it's so far in the future, I can't see it yet.
I will miss the editing equipment, on which to make such stories, for sure.
More later
It's over!?
Just like that my post-secondary education has come crashing to an end.
I'll be adding to my thoughts on being completed, and apparently ready to face the big, bad world of videography journalism, because right now, I'm still in a state of shock over it.
All of it. I wasn't prepared for such a drastic difference between print and broadcast journalism. True, the net allows both to coincide, except both print and broadcast corporations don't recognize it yet.
I still love print journalism, and I very much enjoy editing, and piecing together stories with video, but I don't feel videography journalism is my future. If it is, it's so far in the future, I can't see it yet.
I will miss the editing equipment, on which to make such stories, for sure.
More later
I'll be adding to my thoughts on being completed, and apparently ready to face the big, bad world of videography journalism, because right now, I'm still in a state of shock over it.
All of it. I wasn't prepared for such a drastic difference between print and broadcast journalism. True, the net allows both to coincide, except both print and broadcast corporations don't recognize it yet.
I still love print journalism, and I very much enjoy editing, and piecing together stories with video, but I don't feel videography journalism is my future. If it is, it's so far in the future, I can't see it yet.
I will miss the editing equipment, on which to make such stories, for sure.
More later
Thursday, April 21, 2011
After completing a documentary on burlesque, I was given an assignment to test my skills in Photoshop, After Effects and Illustrator.
Rough, I know, but I think there's potential.
Choosing the subject of burlesque was certainly a good choice for me. Bawdy humour and bold sexuality was something I think the world needs a little bit more of.
Editing was something I looked forward to, lighthearted and I learned a lot about the girls.
As for the editing software, once I got the hang of where to find commands, and the quick keys, I started to enjoy the arduousness of creating interesting effects on video, or Photoshop creations.
I've informed the "fam" that owning such software would be an EXCELLENT graduation gift! haha
The multi-media essentials class was my biggest battle, but also the class in which I learned the most. I thought After Effects would be the death of me, but I was wrong.
I'm glad there was extra support for the squeaky wheel named Alex.
Rough, I know, but I think there's potential.
Choosing the subject of burlesque was certainly a good choice for me. Bawdy humour and bold sexuality was something I think the world needs a little bit more of.
Editing was something I looked forward to, lighthearted and I learned a lot about the girls.
As for the editing software, once I got the hang of where to find commands, and the quick keys, I started to enjoy the arduousness of creating interesting effects on video, or Photoshop creations.
I've informed the "fam" that owning such software would be an EXCELLENT graduation gift! haha
The multi-media essentials class was my biggest battle, but also the class in which I learned the most. I thought After Effects would be the death of me, but I was wrong.
I'm glad there was extra support for the squeaky wheel named Alex.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Everywhere I look, I see earbuds disconnecting people from their surroundings, or rather, people disconnecting themselves from their surroundings.
True, listening to music while riding the bus, either city transit, or longer trips on a Greyhound can distract you from where you are. House cleaning is made more bearable with your favourite music but there are a few instances when erabuds are inappropriate.
For instance, in class.
Get over yourselves and listen to what is being taught to you. There is nothing more disrespectful to someone whose job it is to teach, than showing up for class and then ignoring everything going on.
Just skip the class you idiot, and save everyone else the irritation.
While riding a bike.
Seriously, if the driver of a car was wearing earbuds, they'd cause an accident. I've secretely wished cyclists who wear buds, or text and ride, to slam into a light pole, or parked car, just to teach them a lesson.
New moms pushing strollers and wearing ear buds.
This is the most rediculous thing I have ever seen. What better way to show and tell your children that they aren't worth listening to, or being mindful of, than slipping in those buds and tuning them out?
True, listening to music while riding the bus, either city transit, or longer trips on a Greyhound can distract you from where you are. House cleaning is made more bearable with your favourite music but there are a few instances when erabuds are inappropriate.
For instance, in class.
Get over yourselves and listen to what is being taught to you. There is nothing more disrespectful to someone whose job it is to teach, than showing up for class and then ignoring everything going on.
Just skip the class you idiot, and save everyone else the irritation.
While riding a bike.
Seriously, if the driver of a car was wearing earbuds, they'd cause an accident. I've secretely wished cyclists who wear buds, or text and ride, to slam into a light pole, or parked car, just to teach them a lesson.
New moms pushing strollers and wearing ear buds.
This is the most rediculous thing I have ever seen. What better way to show and tell your children that they aren't worth listening to, or being mindful of, than slipping in those buds and tuning them out?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Change brings growth, but what if said change is destructive?
Whether we're ready for it or not, it will happen, so it is best to roll with it, even if you have to roll through the mud and shit.
Admittedly, that is a subconscience "We" I just used, I really mean "Me", but it makes me feel better to lump everyone in the muck with me.
Trying to find purpose where there isn't any is a fuitless mission, ending in tears and misery. What am I doing? Where am I going? How will it turn out? All are questions I have no answer to, and when I turn off the "Third Eye", nothing has a purpose, or a reason.
No time for wishes, they're as fruitless as purpose.
Pick it up, dust it off and try again.
Whether we're ready for it or not, it will happen, so it is best to roll with it, even if you have to roll through the mud and shit.
Admittedly, that is a subconscience "We" I just used, I really mean "Me", but it makes me feel better to lump everyone in the muck with me.
Trying to find purpose where there isn't any is a fuitless mission, ending in tears and misery. What am I doing? Where am I going? How will it turn out? All are questions I have no answer to, and when I turn off the "Third Eye", nothing has a purpose, or a reason.
No time for wishes, they're as fruitless as purpose.
Pick it up, dust it off and try again.
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